Mental Health / Remote Shelter

Mental Health / Remote Shelter

Our Security Officers have undertaken specialised training to service vulnerable and volatile residents within Mental Health settings. The training includes enhanced understanding of diverse disabilities, preventing prejudice and minimising conflict.
Remote Shelter provides accommodation and services for communities through times of crisis, transitional, short term, low cost, and supported accommodation, and other support services. Security Services provided include:
  •     Site Perimeter Security
  •     Control Room Operations
  •     Close Protection of Staff Members
We provide specific training for our Security Officers working with Mental Health, vulnerable groups of people, children, dual disability and people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. We understand the unique nature of dealing with different individuals and are fully capable of providing the necessary requirements to ensuring your people and your assets are safe guarded.

It is important that Security Officers are made aware of the need to accept and work with people from diverse backgrounds, cultures and disabilities, not only because it creates a better workplace but also the lack of awareness can lead to discrimination. Increased understanding of Mental Illness can dispel myths, misinformation and unnecessary fears, and create an aware and more supportive workplace.

Working closely with patient care professionals with give:

  • A greater understanding of patient/s illness and conditions
  • Skills and confidence to manage conflict situations
  • Strategies that is effective with working in this environment

Security Officers are familiar with the standard precautions required to achieve a minimal level of infection control for the treatment and management of all patients. And are all issued with relevant PPE to assist with their everyday environment.

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